Service Above Self
New Meeting schedule!
1st and 2nd Thursdays at 12:00 PM
Windows on the River
Windows on the River
2000 Sycamore
Nautica Complex in the Flats
Cleveland, OH 44113
United States
Nautica Complex in the Flats
Cleveland, OH 44113
United States
3rd Thursday at 12:00 p.m.
Virtual using Zoom Format
for link contact the Rotary office
4th Thursday at 5:30 p.m.
Rotary After Hours
Utilizing different venues around the city
*If there is a 5th Thursday, it is 12:00 p.m. Virtual using Zoom
Rotary After Hours
February 27
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Volunteer with the The Literacy Cooperative for a Book Peeling event
at Zanzibar Soul Fusion - 627 Prospect Ave. E. CLE
Donate to the Cleveland Rotary Foundation
Who we are:
Every year Cleveland Rotarians live the Rotary International maximize our “Service Above Self” motto! With countless hours of member planning and execution lead by our service committees, we provide a meaningful impact in our community, internationally, with our youth, and in the business community. These monetary contributions, service projects and programs are made possible because we are blessed to have current and past Cleveland Rotarians that understand the importance of a strong club foundation. When you give to The Cleveland Rotary Foundation 100% of your contribution is used to support our club and its philanthropic endeavors.
What we do:
Consider the many activities of our club – particularly those that are of interest to you – when deciding how much you will give. Is it recognizing an individual or organization for upholding Rotary’s ideals of "service above self" or the four-way test? Is it supporting the education and personal growth of students in Cleveland’s schools or providing desks and clean water for people we may never meet in far-away countries? Is it making Cleveland a welcoming city with beautiful plazas, gardens, and greenways or tending to its homeless by providing a warm meal or a place to sleep? Or perhaps it’s something else. Whatever the motivation, please give generously at a level that is meaningful to you.
Thank you:
To make your tax-deductible gift, please return your check made payable to the Cleveland Rotary Foundation or click the "donate now"button to pay by credit card. A gift of cash or check may also be made at the weekly Rotary meeting. On behalf of club President, Howard Lichtig, Foundation President, Christine Wiskochil, and Chair of the Foundation Resource Committee Jessica Hanes, thank you for your commitment to furthering Rotary’s mission; and on behalf of the hundreds of individuals who benefit every year from the club’s activities, thank you for your generosity!
Rotary Club of Cleveland Vice President Howard Lichtig's Rotary Story
Ken Glanc's Rotary Story
Past Rotary International Director and Past President Mike John's Rotary story
Past member of the Rotary Club of Cleveland's Board of Directors Sarah Rintamaki's Rotary story
Current member of the Rotary Club of Cleveland Board of Directors Tina Ingraham's Rotary story

St. Augustine Food Pantry - Second Saturday of each month
- 2486 W. 14th Steet, CLE
- Help stock shelves, assist customers in selecting pantry items and organize the pantry
- 10:30 - 3:30 p.m. - you can volunteer for part of or all of the time

Cleveland Food Bank – Second Tuesday of each month, 6-8:00PM
- 13815 Cost Rd. CLE 44110
- Join your fellow Rotarians in packing much-needed food items for those in need at the Cleveland Food Bank, especially during the holiday season. This is an easy job, no heavy lifting required. Fellowship following each session. Bring a buddy with you.
- To Register:

The Red Cross is facing a national blood crisis. Without more donors, hospitals may have to make tough decisions about which patients receive transfusions & who must wait. You can help. No matter your blood type, your donation is critically needed now:
Every 56 Days Red Cross Blood Donation Day
At any blood donation center near you

Meet our 2024-2025
Club President
Howard Lichtig

I am honored and humbled by the confidence and trust you have afforded me in electing me as your 2024-2025 Rotary Club of Cleveland President, thank you. When I joined Rotary, it was my intention to stay one year, supporting Dave Browning in his (second) presidency. I wasn’t sure what Rotary was or what Rotarians did, but sincerely hoped I could get the contract to provide the community signs affixed to (seemingly) every “Welcome To ___” sign in America. I quickly learned about Rotary globally, locally, and our mission, perhaps even more importantly, I started meeting new friends, friends with whom I realized I shared a common passion: service!
As time passed, one of the many Rotarians who took me under her wing was Julie Brouhard, who taught me about program planning strategies: what was and what was not relevant to our group and our mission. Program planning has turned into one of the highlights not only of my Rotary life, but of my career…trust me when I say this, the Rotary brand has gotten me into doors I would never have otherwise been able to access. And as my business career progressed, I found that by starting business relationships with conversations about community service, that led to much deeper relationships: men and women that run businesses, for the most part, are also involved in community service, and they love to share, as we do.
I find myself accepting this position in a club that is very strong, we’ve all enjoyed the benefit of very strong and engaged leadership over the past years (in my case going back to Dave Browning)…in the past couple of years, both Jessica and Jennifer have done quite a bit of heavy lifting…and we all continue to thrive as a club as a result of Sharon’s incredible professional leadership.
A few of the items that are on my radar for this year, and this is by no means an exhaustive list, include:
1. The theme of “engagement”, which touches every area of club life.
2. Growth through engagement: we’ll talk about this.
3. Small tasks, small asks: we’ll explore this together.
4. International Zoom: this is something Gloria Ritter and I have been discussing, more to come.
5. Elevator Speech: this comes out of the work that Jennifer did with Cleveland Leadership Center.
And many other things bouncing around in my head…and now, I hope to meet with each member individually (lunches are good, my treat) to see what thoughts are bouncing around in your heads.
Enclosed is your annual invoice for dues and meeting costs along with the supporting documentation. This annual financial commitment assures our future and is the core of our success as a club. Thank
you for your prompt payment and commitment to being a Rotarian.
Thank you in advance to our club and district leadership for your ideas, your support, and your gentle reminders if we happen to veer off track…and Laura, I’m looking forward to working with you as President-Elect! Sharon, I have you on speed-dial.
Let’s make this a great year…great projects, great community presence, and great friends.
Yours in friendship and service,