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This committee stimulates members to apply the ideal of service in pursuit of their vocations and to develop projects that will allow members to recognize the worthiness to society of all occupations and to use their vocational talents in helping solve problems in society. The committee is also dedicated to encouraging “Rotarians Doing Business with Rotarians” through the Rotary Works! program.
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
- Operation Comic Book Literacy Project — Create your own Comic Book. Comic books and strips are different in HOW they tell stories. Chapter books TELL the readers what’s happening with words. Comics will SHOW and TELL the readers what’s happening using images. Comic books and strips tell stories through: Sequential Art Story Telling. visit to learn more!
- Four-Way Test Award (for a Rotarian)—The award goes to a member of our club who lives the Four-Way Test in his or her private life and in service to Rotary.
- Business Student Awards for Excellence—Dating back to 1969, this program recognizes academic excellence among students graduating from the Monte Ahuja College of Business at Cleveland State University. The students are given the award plaques at a meeting of the club.
- Holiday Toy Drive—Funds are collected at a club meeting to be used to buy gifts for children in underserved areas. This past year the recipient was OhioGuidestone's FosterCare Program.
- Rotary Works—Held once a month before a regular club meeting, this program puts a spotlight on one of our members and his or her career. An opportunity is also provided for all attendees to give a short presentation on what they do and what they could use from other members in the way of contacts or information.