St. Augustine Food Pantry - Second Saturday of each month
- 2486 W. 14th Steet, CLE
- Help stock shelves, assist customers in selecting pantry items and organize the pantry
- 10:30 - 3:30 p.m. - you can volunteer for part of or all of the time

Cleveland Food Bank – Second Tuesday of each month, 6-8:00PM
- 13815 Cost Rd. CLE 44110
- Join your fellow Rotarians in packing much-needed food items for those in need at the Cleveland Food Bank, especially during the holiday season. This is an easy job, no heavy lifting required. Fellowship following each session. Bring a buddy with you.
- To Register: https://cerv.is/m?0136gM0NRnT

The Red Cross is facing a national blood crisis. Without more donors, hospitals may have to make tough decisions about which patients receive transfusions & who must wait. You can help. No matter your blood type, your donation is critically needed now: http://www.redcrossblood.org
Every 56 Days Red Cross Blood Donation Day
At any blood donation center near you